Here’s another holiday post from our tour of Scandinavia. Hope you enjoy reading it.
Water, water, everywhere
I went to an aquarium a few years ago when I was small. It had tiny fish tanks and there wasn’t much room for the animals. So, when my dad suggested going to a new aquarium, I wasn’t very excited. ‘It’ll be boring and the fish won’t be happy,’ I thought. I was so wrong!
The Blue Planet is the largest aquarium in northern Europe. It’s near Copenhagen in Denmark. And it’s massive! It opened in 2013 and was instantly popular. Almost 1.3 million people visited it in the first year! It’s an amazing building, too.
There are five main sections at the Blue Planet and each section shows a different area of water. My favourite was the rainforest section. People are cutting down rainforests around the world, so animals from these areas need a lot of help. We saw freshwater stingrays, piranha and beautiful tetra fish. There were also birds, snakes, crocodiles and many other types of animal!
I’m going again later this week because I didn’t have time to see everything. And with my ‘Copenhagen card’ I can visit as many times as I want! We’re going to watch them feed the sharks. That will be awesome!